Unconditional. The dictionary defines the word as “absolute, without conditions”. Love’s definition is a bit lengthier. “An intense, affectionate concern for another person. A passionate attraction to another person. A beloved person. A strong liking or enthusiasm for something. A zero score in tennis”.

Now, if we join the two words together, “Unconditional Love”, we have a new meaning. Possibly, something like this; “an intense, affectionate concern for another person that is without conditions”. That sounds lovely, doesn’t it? Too bad, it isn’t realistic. Love without conditions?

I know that there are people who try to aim for that goal, but, it is very difficult to be an individual and have NO conditions. I “love” plenty of people. My family, my friends, coworkers and certain celebrities, but if any of them did something horrible, repeatedly, there would definitely be a condition or two, placed upon the relationship!

As far as personal relationships go, that’s another thing entirely. Relationships are
HARD WORK! And yes, as much as we try to pretend that we don’t, we place conditions on our mates. “In order for us to be together, you must be honest with me”, “If you don’t have a job, or a car or (insert whatever you require here)…FORGET IT!” These are just small samples of the conditions that we place upon ourselves and the ones we love. So, in this book series we are going to explore “unconditional love” and the ways we treat one another.

Many years ago, while working at a community newspaper, I was asked to create a cartoon that would be considered for weekly publication. Due to short notice, I was inspired to develop these images with the pure essence of people. A series of anatomically correct (yet, always in good taste) stick figures with magnificent, dazzling red hearts-the essence of the love that lies deep within each of us. I wanted the characters to say something. I wanted them to address real issues that real people struggle with each day. So, I joined them with words and short vignettes that tell their stories and the “Unconditional LoveLine” was born.

I am convinced that in their simplicity, these “people” may compel us to come face to face with ourselves and discover who we truly are as individuals and as members of the family of humanity. This includes the many types of love, hate, acceptance, understanding, self-esteem, bullying and abuse, pride and the “live and let live” theory, to each his own and so on.

The characters are neither, subjectively, beautiful nor homely; they are designed with just enough “personality” to draw a connection. They are equipped to express the good, the bad and the scary parts of the humanity that we all possess.

My intention is to create a venue to communicate messages to and from those with no voice. Those who want to be heard.

Now, without further ado, let’s take a journey…

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